
About me*

Hey there lovely human. I suppose you discovered my blog because you're suffering from one of the subjects that I talk here (such as depression,anxiety and many others) and you want some help.
Well welcome!
But before jumping into my blog I would like to introduce myself.

You can treat me as Snowiii here, it's how I'm knowned on blogspot.
I'm 21 years old and a college/university student in the languages area.

I suffer from depression, chronical anxiety and a chronic disease called "Syndrom of irritable bowel".
Let's say I'm quite experienced with pain as you can see.
I won't get into much detail, however I want you to understand that you're not alone. 

Besides the boring/depressing side of myself I am huuuuuge geek and nerd. I love books,music,games and specially tv shows.

Now that I've told you a bit about myself, feel free to tell me a bit about you and your story.
I'm always here to listen.

Welcome to Reborn Wings.

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